Monday 19 March 2012

So cute. It has to be mentioned.

WARNING: This post features something overly cute and Kitsch and ADORABLE.

So at my recent visit to The British Museum in London and I don't know about you but I just lovee Museum Gift Shops! They always have the most interesting of things stocked up and waiting for tourists like me to buy and admire when we take them home! So I found these amazing lipbalms and I couldn't resist...I just had to get them :D
How wonderful are these!!! And at £4.50 a bargain! Great as a gift for anyone who loves London in all its cuteness.

Have a lovely day people! :)
Ash xx


  1. EEEEeeee they are so cute! :-O I want.

  2. Those are so cute!

    I'm following take a look at my blog if u have a sec
