It is just the most amazing online shopping site with the coolest things...I know I know I am so late on this bandwagon but I love browsing through it none the less! It does have some of the most down right expensive and ridiculous things but it also has quirky and cute items that I need to stop myself from buying!
I have a few picks which are incredible.
Breathable Chocolate by Le Whif. Why eat it when you can whiff it?
Ben & Jerry's Oh My! Apple Pie! Ice Cream. For all those horrid rainy summer days.
Azature Black Diamond Nail Polish. For those Star Wars inspired times.
Continuance Rechargeable USB Battery. I am not even joking this is the best invention ever!
Pillow Fight Gear. For that inner child in me. Ok I don't advocate the use of Weapons. AT ALL. But this pillow gear made me smile that's all.
Floating Origami Boat Candles. This is just plain cute.
Clé de Peau Beauté Extra Rich Lipstick | Nordstrom. They had me at the packaging! :P
Ahhh I could just browse this site forever and ever. It has the most beautiful and eclectic of things.
Have you seen anything you fancy?
Much love to you all!
Ash xx
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